Join Us On the
Journey of Success


Image Global Canada is built to develop a professional bridge to connect people globally. We have a team of professionals with 30 + years of experience to help new entrepreneurs & investors embark on Global projects.


To build a global network of expert professionals and help entrepreneurs achieve success.

Why Us?


Build global network of experts


Join a team of entrepreneurs


Begin journey towards success

Team Members
Success Stories

Join Us

Are you interested to join our team? Send us your brief details at

One of our board members will review and connect with you on next steps.

5-Point Action Plan


Train and promote highly educated people (age group of 25-30 years) as Entrepreneurs, who will be placed in different countries, depending on their skills, leadership qualities and level of motivation.


Connect with individuals who want to invest in their field or in our projects, for which our team will help in setting up the office, as well as train on marketing, sales, imports and exports.


Guide and assess people, who are interested in immigrating to Canada. Our team will help them through the immigration process and to find a job or start a business, once they reach Canada.


Help people who are returning to their home countries from Middle East and have plans to start business. Our team will find the right project in their fields, with a complete set up of business. Our team can help them establish their business in Europe, South Asia, Africa, Central Asia, & Scandinavian countries, where they can settle permanently with their families and get citizenship after 3 years.


Welcome any creative ideas or products. Our team will review and if feasible, find the country where it has a lot of potential and help you launch your idea/product. We will put our investment in you and in your products and act as a team player in achieving your goals.

Get In Touch


4 Silver Maple Court, Brampton L6T4R2, Ontario, Canada

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